
When your faith is central to who you are and how you live your life, you may want a counselor with a similar worldview.

People of faith are not exempt from suffering. Some Christians seem to unwittingly believe that they don't have to suffer or can somehow control that suffering--that if they're "good," their life will be "good." While a strong faith is certainly a protective factor, everyone's faith can be tested.


Knowing who you are in Christ and who, not what, determines your worth can provide a solid foundation of confidence and security.


Knowing how guilt, shame, and condemnation can affect your relationship with God and others, and what to do about it can be a stabilizing factor in your faith.


Knowing the healing in confession and the importance of resolving unforgiveness towards others and yourself can lead to greater peace inwardly, in relationships, and with God.

Counseling can be a nonjudgmental place to explore where you are and where you want to be, whether you are experiencing a crisis of faith or want to grow in a specific area.